Global Center for Food, Land and Water Resources (GCF)
International Symposium 2023
国際シンポジウム 2023
Solutions to address food and environmental problems
- Visions for the future of Africa -

Program プログラム
9:00 Doors open
9:30 Registration starts
10:00-10:15 Opening remarks 開会挨拶
10:15-11:30 Part1 Keynote speech
第1部 基調講演
Prof.OTSUKA Keijiro 大塚啓二郎
"Rice Green Revolution in sub-Saharan Africa"
13:00-14:00 Part 2 Poster presentation
第2部 ポスター発表
14:30-16:45 Part 3 Panel discussion
第3部 パネルディスカッション
Solutions to address food and environmental problems
- Visions for the future of Africa -
【Chair's commentary 座長解題】
MITSUGI Hiroto 三次啓都
【Panel presentation パネル発表】
・Ikabongo Mukumbuta
"Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in Africa.
A Zambian perspective."
・ICHIJO Yoko 一條洋子
"Farming by Rural Africans - Loose Rules of Trade -" アフリカ農村民の営農-緩やかなルールにもとづく取引―
・TERADA Saeko 寺田佐恵子
"Human-elephant coexsitence in Africa" アフリカにおけるヒトとゾウの共生
・YANAUCI Taro 山内太郎
"Food security and nutritional adaptation of adults
in contrasting ecological zones in rural Zambia"
人々の栄養状態、食事摂取、 身体活動
16:45-17:00 Summary 総括(Hiroto Mitsugi 三次啓都)
17:00-17:15 Commentary 講評(Keijiro Otsuka 大塚啓二郎)
17:15-17:30 Closing remarks 閉会挨拶
北海道大学農学部 4階
September 29th, 2023
4th floor at School of Agriculture,
Hokkaido University
(also on Zoom)
アフリカは、高い人口増加率を維持しており、食料需要は増加する一途である。しかし、気候変動による影響やウクライナ危機により穀物の価格が高騰するなど、食料需給事情は急激に悪化 しており、農業発展と食料問題の解決が急がれる。2022 年11月に開催されたCOP27 でも指摘されたように、アフリカ各国は、気候変動によって、熱波、洪水、干ばつが頻発するなど、異常気象の影響を最も深刻に受けており、気候変動への対応・適応は急務である。そして、その脆弱性がゆえに、人々の生活も様々な問題に直面し、日々、リスクと背中合わせの生活が続く。同時に、地球温暖化や脱炭素におけるアフリカへの期待は大きく、グリーン経済の実現に向け、その役割と存在感が増している。気候変動の影響を受けながら、その解決策をも担うグローバルサウスの国々に対し、 我々は無関心でいてはならない。
第3部では、アフリカ各国が直面する農業・環境問題について、フィールドワークの視点から議論を進める。農村における農業技術支援、自然資源の管理と利用、また生産だけではなく栄養といった消費の観点を含めた討議の展開から、個別の専門分野を乗り越えた将来の展望の糸口を探っていきたい。ともすると画一的なイメージで語られることの多いアフリカだが、多様な食文化や社会制度を有しており、それを支える農業や自然資本、社会・経済・文化的な背景を知ることは、食料問題・環境問題の解決を目指す第一歩である。現世代の決断は、将来世代の食料・環境問題を左右し、さらに、グローバル化した現在では、アフリカの食料・環境問題は、先進国の我々にも無関係ではない。将 来を担う若手研究者や学生のみなさんとともに、食料問題・環境問題の解決を目指し、アフリカの将来像を見出す。
Africa maintains a high population growth rate, and the demand for food continues to rise. The food supply has been severely affected because of climate change and the Ukrainian crisis, which has further increased grain prices. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop agriculture and solve food problems in Africa. As highlighted at COP27 in November 2022, African countries are the most severely affected by climate change, with heat waves, floods, droughts, and other extreme weather events occurring frequently. The countries affected urgently need to develop coping strategies and adaptation in the face of these climate changes. Given this vulnerability, people face various problems, and they need to manage those risks daily. Meanwhile, African countries are expected to play a substantial role in global warming and decarbonization, and their presence in the “green economy” is rapidly increasing. We need to pay attention to the countries from the Global South that are affected by climate change but are also responsible for its solutions.
In the first part of this symposium, we invite Professor Keijiro Otsuka, a world leading development economist who has devoted himself to the Green Revolution in Africa, and explore the current status, challenges, and future prospects for agriculture and food production in Africa.
In the second part of the seminar, we invite both undergrad and grad students to present their research. Please give them comments and enjoy discussion with them.
In the third part of the seminar, we will discuss agricultural and environmental issues facing African countries from a fieldwork perspective. Inviting speakers from various fields of expertise such as technology transfer, natural resource management, and nutrition consumption, we will explore a range of future perspectives on the food and environmental problems affecting the countries of the African continent.
Although Africa has often described as a uniform image, it has diverse food cultures and social systems. Understanding the agricultural, natural capital, social, economic, and cultural backgrounds that support these cultures is the first step toward solving food and environmental problems. The decisions of the present generation will affect the food and environmental challenges affecting future generations. In today’s globalized world, Africa’s food and environmental problems are strongly related to those that we face in the developed world. Alongside young researchers and students who will lead in the future, we aim to solve food and environmental problems and find a vision for the future of Africa.
Keynote Speach

Poster presentation
Panel presentation
Ikabongo Mukumbuta
Research and Development Manager, Golden Valley Agricultural Research Trust, Zambia
Visiting Researcher–University of Zambia
Yoko Ichijyo 一條洋子
京都大学大学院 農学研究科 生物資源経済学専攻 研究員
Researcher, Division of Natural Resource Economics,
Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Rieko Terada 寺田佐恵子
玉川大学リベラルアーツ学部 助教
Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, Tamagawa University
Taro Yamauchi 山内太郎
北海道大学大学院保健科学研究院 教授
Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
Center for Environmental and Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
<共催 Co-hosted by >
Graduate School of Global Food Resources, Hokkaido University
Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
<後援 Supported by>
Hokkaido University Research Network with African Countries
Institute for the Advancement of Sustainability,Hokkaido University
Global Institution for Collaborative Research and Education (GI-CoRE),Hokkaido University